What to Thrift for Halloween

Halloween is a time for spooky fun, and what better way to celebrate than by creating a unique and budget-friendly costume? Thrifting is the perfect solution for finding the ideal Halloween attire without breaking the bank. In this blog, we'll take you on a journey through the thrift store, showing you what to thrift for Halloween to craft the perfect costume.

Vintage clothing

Vintage clothing is a goldmine for Halloween costumes. Whether you're aiming for a '50s pin-up look, a '70s disco diva or a '90s grunge icon, thrift stores often have clothing items that capture the essence of past decades. Look for vintage dresses, blazers, leather jackets and even funky patterned shirts to create the foundation of your costume.

Statement accessories

Accessories can elevate your costume from ordinary to extraordinary. Thrift stores are brimming with unique and quirky accessories that can help you stand out. Consider items like hats, scarves, belts and gloves. For example, a thrifted top hat can transform you into a dapper magician, while a colorful scarf can become a superhero's cape.

DIY costume materials

Thrift stores are a treasure trove of materials for crafting DIY costumes. Look for fabric remnants, old curtains, bed sheets and even discarded clothing items that can be repurposed into costumes. These materials are not only budget-friendly, but they also allow you to get creative and customize your costume to perfection.

Pop culture references

Halloween costumes inspired by pop culture references are always a hit. Thrift stores are a great place to find items that match the looks of your favorite movie characters, TV show personalities or musicians. From trench coats for Sherlock Holmes to plaid shirts for your favorite Stranger Things character, thrifting can make your pop culture-inspired costume a reality.

Vintage props

Don't forget about props! Thrift stores often have a selection of vintage items that can serve as fantastic costume props. Vintage suitcases, retro telephones, old cameras and even antique mirrors can add an extra layer of authenticity to your costume.

Wigs and masks

If your costume requires a wig or mask, consider thrifting for these items. You'd be surprised at the variety of wigs and masks you can find in thrift stores. From long, flowing locks to colorful, eccentric hairstyles, thrifting allows you to experiment with your look without spending a fortune.


Don't overlook the importance of footwear in completing your costume. Thrift stores often have a selection of shoes that can complement your Halloween attire. From vintage boots for a pirate costume to colorful sneakers for an '80s workout instructor, you can find the perfect shoes to match your theme.

Outerwear and costuming layers

If your Halloween festivities involve outdoor activities or require layered costumes, thrift stores offer a range of outerwear options. Consider items like vintage coats, capes, shawls and cardigans to keep you warm and in character throughout the night.

Thrifting for Halloween costumes is not only cost-effective but also a creative and sustainable way to celebrate this spooky holiday. From vintage clothing to statement accessories and DIY materials to pop culture references, thrift stores have everything you need to craft a one-of-a-kind costume that will impress your friends and family. 

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